- Live migration fails in SolusVM 2: internal error: QEMU unexpectedly closed the monitor
- Automated backup is not started for number of CRs in SolusVM 2
- Image size preallocation options do not work for SolusVM 2 VM image upon creation
- VM backup fail in SolusVM 2: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock (held by monitor=remoteDispatchDomainBlockJobAbort)
- VZ container backup fails in SolusVM 2: name used as ctid Saved parameters for Container
- Does SolusVM 2 support ZFS filesystem for file-based storage type?
- SolusVM 2 KVM VM is not manageable and its process can't be killed via CLI
- Adding new CR gets stuck on 'Comissioning' stage in SolusVM 2 if the IP restriction is applied for the admin user
- Does SolusVM 2 support Compute Resource OS in-place upgrade from Almalinux 8 to Almalinux 9?
- Configuring Network task fails for a new Compute Resource in SolusVM 2: failed to create datapath ovs-system: No such file or directory
- Fail to create VM in SolusVM 2 on NFS storage: Could not open '/home/solusvmnfs/142/0': Permission denied
- Fail to create VM in SolusVM 2: IPv6 is disabled on nexthop device
- Traffic usage of VPS considerably increases after reinstallation or migration in SolusVM 2
- How to change the main IP address on a Compute Resource in SolusVM 2
- How to connect a new Compute Resource to SolusIO using private SSH key
- How to disassemble OpenvSwitch network bridge on SolusIO CR?
- Fail to add a new Compute Resource to SolusIO: failed to build bridge: failed probing network configuration: failed to find bridge 'br0' link after creation: Link not found
- How to add a Compute Resource in SolusVM 2?
- Cannot start VM on CR node: vring_get_region_caches: Assertion `caches != ((void *)0)' failed.
- Unable to add Conpute Resource to SolusIO: Task: install agent on x.x.x.x Cannot connect to x.x.x.x:22. Error 110. Operation timed out
- Unable to create VM on SolusVM 2 : The server can't be created in this location. Please try to choose another location or plan with fewer resources
- Unable to add Compute Resource to SolusIO: the number of cores on compute resource is greater than available in the license
- Does SolusIO support shared storages?
- Unable to create VPS in SolusVM 2: Could not open '/usr/local/solus/iso_images/8/config.iso': Permission denied
- Unable to boot VPS in SolusIO: cannot set up guest memory 'pc.ram': Cannot allocate memory
- Where OS images are stored in SolusIO Compute Resources?
- How to mount SolusIO VPS image files at CR filesystem?
- After SolusIO VPS deployment the CD with Cloudbase-init config is still mounted into VPS.
- After SolusIO update to 1.1.11033 new VPSes hosted on Ubuntu 20 or Debian 10 CR hang during boot
- SolusIO VPSes do not have Internet connection in routed network mode if CR and Master are hosted on the same server
Compute Resources