VZ container backup fails in SolusVM 2: name used as ctid Saved parameters for Container

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2


VZ container backup fails in SolusVM 2:

CONFIG_TEXT: cannot backup the virtual server "05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b": prepare the virtual server "05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b" disk for backup: rename vz server without restart "10897-mail.iban-identifier.com" to "05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b": failed to execute vzctl set 10897-mail.iban-identifier.com --name 05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b --save stdout [Conflict: name 05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b used as ctid Saved parameters for Container 10897]: exit status 21


There is an empty config file with the name of the container UUID on VZ Compute Resource:

# ls -l /etc/vz/conf/05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 22 10:24 /etc/vz/conf/05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b.conf


  1. Connect to VZ Compute Resource via SSH
  2. Remove the empty config file:

    # rm -f /etc/vz/conf/05cb3946-4c47-40ba-b135-51ea79fbd58b.conf

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