Configuring Network task fails for a new Compute Resource in SolusVM 2: failed to create datapath ovs-system: No such file or directory

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2


Configuring Network task fails for a new Compute Resource in SolusVM 2:

SVM_ERROR: failed to configure OVS bridge on Linux: pre check failed: errors found in /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log fix them first and truncate log: [{2023-09-14T00:33:02.844Z 00014 ofproto_dpif ERR failed to open datapath of type system: No such file or directory} {2023-09-14T00:33:02.844Z 00015 ofproto ERR failed to open datapath br-ext: No such file or directory} {2023-09-14T00:33:02.844Z 00016 bridge ERR failed to create bridge br-ext: No such file or directory} {2023-09-14T00:33:02.870Z 00020 ofproto_dpif ERR failed to open datapath of type system: No such file or directory} {2023-09-14T00:33:02.870Z 00021 ofproto ERR failed to open datapath br-ext: No such file or directory} {2023-09-14T00:33:02.870Z 00022 bridge ERR failed to create bridge br-ext: No such file or directory}]


Openvswitch failed to start properly


  1. Connect to Compute Resource via SSH
  2. Restart Openvswitch:

    # systemctl restart ovsdb-server

  3. Truncate Openvswitch log:

    # cp -a /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log{,.orig}
    # truncate -s 0 /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log

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