Unable to create or migrate a VPS to particular Compute Resource in SolusVM 2: Storage in enabled state of type fb with disk size 1 GB was not found

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2


Unable to create or migrate a VPS on particular Compute Resource in SolusIO:

SVM_ERROR: Storage in enabled state of type fb with disk size 1 GB was not found


The disk space stuck in 'reserved' state in SolusVM 2 database:

# select * from storages where id=8;
id | path                     | created_at          | updated_at          | thin_pool | is_available_for_balancing | free_space | mount | credentials | name | reserved_space | type
8  | /var/lib/libvirt/images/ | 2021-10-03 23:39:04 | 2021-11-01 01:36:47 |           | t                          | 1086.76    |     / |             |      | 1524.00        | fb


Warning: there should not be active migration processes in SolusVM 2

  1. Connect to SolusVM 2 Management node via SSH
  2. Backup SolusVM 2 database
  3. Access SolusVM 2 database
  4. Release reserved space:

    MYSQL_LIN: UPDATE storages SET reserved_space=0 where id=<ID>;

    Replace <ID> with the corresponding storage ID. Storage ID can be found at SolusIO > Compute Resources > Compute Resource > Storage(ID column)

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