Unable to remove Compute Resource from SolusVM 2: This Compute Resource has outgoing migrations.

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2


Unable to remove Compute Resource from SolusVM 2:

SVM_ERROR: This Compute Resource has outgoing migrations.


Migration tasks are stuck in 'running' and 'pending' states.



  1. Connect to SolusVM 2 Management Node via SSH
  2. Backup database
  3. Access database
  4. Find the tasks in 'running' and 'pending' status:

    MYSQL_LIN: select id,status,payload from tasks where status='running';

    MYSQL_LIN: select id,status,payload from tasks where status='pending';

  5. Ensure the tasks are related to the CR you want to remove
  6. Remove the corresponding tasks with:

    MYSQL_LIN: delete from tasks where id=<ID>;

    where <ID> is the corresponding migration task.

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