How to create SolusVM 2 custom image

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2



How to create SolusVM 2 custom image?


  1. Shutdown the VM you want to use for the new image
  2. Connect over SSH to Compute Resource where VPS exists
  3. Find the VPS image path:

    # virsh domblklist ID | grep da | awk {'print $2'}

    where ID is Hypervisor ID in UI

    For example:

    # virsh domblklist c581f0eb-43d0-4b4b-8af4-47a983a451ae | grep da | awk {'print $2'} /var/lib/libvirt/images/287/c581f0eb-43d0-4b4b-8af4-47a983a451ae

  4. Сonvert the image into qcow2 format:

    # qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/287/1d908a4276bc26d017101a2a15381b1e /var/lib/libvirt/images/287/windows-2019-custom.qcow2

  5. Upload the image to a host with a webserver, where you can download the image from with http/https URL
  6. Add image to SolusVM 2

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