Applicable to:
- SolusVM
- SolusVM 2
How to monitor the usage of system resources over a period of time using atop?
I. Installation & setup
Connect to the Management node or Compute Resource via SSH.
Install the atop package:
on CentOS/RHEL-based distributions:
# yum install atop
on Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:
# apt-get install atop
Set the monitoring interval to 60 seconds (the default value is 600 seconds):
on CentOS/RHEL-based distributions:
# sed -i 's/600/60/' /etc/sysconfig/atop
on Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:
# sed -i 's/600/60/' /etc/default/atop
Start the atop service:
# service atop restart
Note: On Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions, atop automatically creates a cron task that starts logging automatically at midnight if it is not running.
II. Usage
List generated atop logfiles:
# ls -l /var/log/atop/
To view the collected data, run:
# atop -r /var/log/atop/atop_*****
where atop_***** is a file name from step 1.
To switch between the intervals, use the hotkeys:
t - move forward
Shift + t - move backward
r - reset all counters
Note: See this atop man page to learn more about atop hotkeys.
To disable atop, run:
# service atop stop
On Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions:, remove the atop cron task:
# rm -f /etc/cron.d/atop
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