Networking tab of a certain VPS is not available in SolusVM 2: Something went wrong

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2


Networking tab of a certain VPS is not available in SolusVM 2. The following error is displayed in SolusVM 2 panel:

CONFIG_TEXT: Something went wrong...
Sorry, it seems we have an issue here. Please refresh the page and try again.


Missing entry in reverse_dns database table for the VPS IP address.


  1. Access Management Node via SSH
  2. Backup Management Node:

    # /usr/local/solus/bin/installer -backup

  3. Access database:

    # docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f name=solus_postgres | head -n1) psql -U$(docker exec $(docker ps -q -f name=solus_postgres | head -n1) env | grep POSTGRES_USER | awk -F "=" {'print $2'}) $(docker exec $(docker ps -q -f name=solus_postgres | head -n1) env | grep POSTGRES_DB | awk -F "=" {'print $2'})

  4. Find the corresponding IP address ID:

    MYSQL_LIN: select id from ips where ip='IPADDR';

    Replace IPADDR with the corresponding IP address.

  5. Add the entry in reverse_dns table:

    MYSQL_LIN: insert into reverse_dns (ip_id,ip,domain) values (IPADDR_ID, 'IPADDR', '');

    Replace IPADDR_ID and IPADDR correspondingly.

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