How to migrate VPS from other virtualization platform to SolusVM 2

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2


How to migrate VPS from other virtualization platform to SolusVM 2


Migration from other virtualization platforms is not supported in SolusVM 2 at the moment.

As a workaround, use the below instruction. 

Warning: this scenario was not tested and is not supported. Therefore, all the operations should be performed at your own risk.

Note: Some functions may not work(i.e. networking, root password reset, backups, etc.) since SolusVM 2 uses cloud-init features for configuring VPSes.

  1. Create a SolusVM 2 VPS with the same resources as Virtualizor VPS and note the new VPS UUID
  2. Transfer the source VPS image file from other virtualization platform node to SolusVM 2 Compute Resource
  3. Connect to SolusVM 2 CR and find out the new VPS image path using UUID from step 1:
    virsh domblklist UUID | grep sda | awk {'print $2'}
    The example of output:
    virsh domblklist 9c8ea3e1-ceca-4a15-90d9-253e1b179237 | grep sda | awk {'print $2'}
  4. Stop SolusVM 2 VPS and remove its image file:
    virsh destroy UUID
    rm -f /var/lib/libvirt/images/371/324ac3797e34f0689521993a5952ec2e
  5. Convert the transferred VPS image from step 2 into qcow2 format and specify the resulting file as SolusVM 2 VPS image path from step 3:
    qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /path/to/source/imagefile /var/lib/libvirt/images/371/324ac3797e34f0689521993a5952ec2e
  6. After that start the VPS from SolusVM 2.

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