Applicable to:
- SolusIO
How to restore SolusIO VPS from backup on another Compute Resource
This functionality is yet to be implemented in SolusIO. There is a request for adding such functionality with ID #SIO-3194 which is planned to be implemented in future SolusIO updates.
As a workaround use the following instruction:
- Connect to SolusVM 2 Management Node via SSH
- Backup SolusVM 2 database
- Access SolusVM 2 database with the command:
# docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f name=solus_postgres | head -n1) psql -U$(docker exec $(docker ps -q -f name=solus_postgres | head -n1) env | grep POSTGRES_USER | awk -F "=" {'print $2'}) $(docker exec $(docker ps -q -f name=solus_postgres | head -n1) env | grep POSTGRES_DB | awk -F "=" {'print $2'})
- Change the CR of the corresponding VPS:
MYSQL_LIN: UPDATE compute_resource_vms SET compute_resource_id=CRID WHERE id=VPSID;
CRID is a new CR's ID. You can find it at SolusIO > Compute Resources(ID column)
VPSID is a Virtual Server ID. You can find it at SolusIO > Virtual Servers(ID column) - Login to SolusIO admin panel
- Browse to SolusVM 2 > Virtual Servers > VPS > Reinstall and reinstall the VPS with any OS
- Browse to SolusVM 2 > Virtual Servers > VPS > Backups and click Restore icon
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