The task in SolusVM 2 goes to Queued state and hangs

Applicable to:

  • SolusVM 2


  • The task in SolusVM 2 goes to Queued state and hangs.
  • After cancelling the stuck task in SolusVM 2 > Tasks it remains stuck inside the RabbitMQ container on the Management Server:

    # docker exec -ti $(docker ps --format '{{ .ID }}' -f name=solus_rabbitmq) sh
    # rabbitmqctl list_queues | grep <queued_task>
    vm-<queued_task>-1-v1 12

    Note: Replace <queued_task> with the actual value. It can be seen in SolusVM 2 > Tasks > Action.


SolusVM 2 bug with ID #SIO-3662 which has been fixed in version 1.1.20949.


Update SolusVM 2 by following the article.

For already affected tasks use the following workaround:

Note: There should not be any running tasks in SolusVM 2.

  1. Log in to the Management Server via SSH.
  2. Backup SolusVM 2 Management node.
  3. Enter the rabbitmq container on the Management Server:

    # docker exec -ti $(docker ps --format '{{ .ID }}' -f name=solus_rabbitmq) sh

  4. Fetch the list of all queues:

    # rabbitmqctl list_queues | grep <queued_task>
    vm-<queued_task>-1-v1 12
    vm-<queued_task>-4-v1 0
    vm-<queued_task>-5-v1 0

    Note: the affected queue is vm-<queued_task>-1-v1 where the value is not zero.

  5. Delete all messages from this queue like below:

    # rabbitmqctl delete_queue vm-<queued_task>-1-v1

    For example,

    # rabbitmqctl delete_queue vm-backup-create-1-v1

  6. Log in to the Compute Resource via SSH where the VPS with the stuck backup task is hosted.
  7. Restart the agent service:

    # systemctl restart solus-agent

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