Applicable to:
- SolusVM 2
How to add a Backup node in SolusVM 2?
Note: Prior to adding a backup node it is necessary to prepare a server available to Management node via the network and generate an SSH key pair on Management node
- Access SolusVM 2 admin panel
- Go to Backups > Backup Nodes and click Add Backup Node
- In pop-up windows:
- Give a node a recognizable name.
- Select one or more compute resources whose servers will be backed up
- Specify the hostname or IP address of the prepare server that will be used as a backup node.
- Specify SSH port(22 by default) and SSH login(root by default)
- Specify the private key of the SSH key created on Management node
- Specify the Storage path(directory where the backups will be stored)
- Click Save
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