Applicable to:
- SolusVM
How to set a custom AutoFTP backup schedule in SolusVM?
SolusVM provides only daily, weekly, and monthly options.
As a workaround, it is possible to create a cron task with a custom schedule:
- Connect to the Slave Node via SSH.
Create a crontask running AutoFTP backup (for example, every 3 days):
# cat /etc/cron.d/solusvm_custom_backup
# Custom cron job to execute auto ftp backup every three days:
0 0 */3 * * root nice -n 19 ionice -c2 -n4 /usr/bin/php /usr/local/solusvm/includes/autoftpbackup.php
Note: adjust nice and ionice values according to your needs (refer to the SolusVM AutoFTP Backup guide for settings description). The rest of the values will be used automatically, based on the values in SolusVM > Nodes > node_name > Auto FTP Backup:
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