Email notifications about SolusVM autoFTP backup are not delivered: Could not instantiate mail function.

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


  • Email notifications about autoFTP backup on master node are not delivered.

  • When setting Mail Type as PHP mail() at Dashboard > Configuration > Settings > Mail and sending test email via Tools > Email mail cannot be sent. The following error is produced:

    SVM_ERROR: Error!
    Email not sent
    Could not instantiate mail function.


sendmail_path is not specified in PHP configuration file /usr/local/svmstack/php/php.ini(for PHP 5.6.30) or /usr/local/svmstack/php7/php.ini(for PHP 7.3) on the master node:

# grep sendmail_path /usr/local/svmstack/php7/php.ini


  1. Connect to the master node via SSH
  2. Add the following line in /usr/local/svmstack/php/php.ini(for PHP 5.6.30) and or /usr/local/svmstack/php7/php.ini(for PHP 7.3) under [mail function] section:

    CONFIG_TEXT: sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

  3. Restart fpm service to apply changes:

    For PHP 5.6.30:

    # service svmstack-fpm restart

    For PHP 7.3:

    # service svmstack-fpm restart

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