How to switch old software stack with Lighttpd web server to the latest one with Nginx on SolusVM master/slave node?

Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


How to switch old software stack with Lighttpd web server to the latest one with Nginx on SolusVM master/slave node?


  1. Connect to the SolusVM Master/slave server over SSH.

  2. Download and execute the script to switch to the latest stack:

    # curl -o && sh

  3. In the script prompt select the type of node - Master or Slave.

  4. Wait until the script is finished.

If you would like to perform the switch manually - use instruction below:
  1. Move out you the current system PHP binary and update svmstack-php package:

    # yum update svmstack-php && mv /usr/bin/php /usr/bin/backup-php

  2. Create a link to SolusVM PHP binary:

    # ln -s /usr/local/svmstack/php/bin/php /usr/bin/php

  3. Install the SolusVM repository:

    # yum install solusvm-release

  4. Stop and disable Lighttpd web server:

    # service lighttpd stop
    # chkconfig lighttpd off

  5. Install Nginx web server and legacy configuration:

    For Master server:

    # yum install svmstack-nginx svmstack-nginx-legacy-master-config

    For Slave server:

    # yum install svmstack-nginx svmstack-nginx-legacy-slave-config

  6. Enable svmstack-* services:

    # chkconfig svmstack-nginx on
    # chkconfig svmstack-fpm on

  7. Start services:

    # service svmstack-nginx restart
    # service svmstack-fpm restart

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