Unable to create Xen VPS with ISO file: Disk image does not exist

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


  • Unable to create Xen VPS with ISO file.
  • When rebooting VPS with debug at SolusVM the following is displayed:

    CONFIG_TEXT: Using config file "/home/xen/vm1339/vm1339.cfg".

  • When trying to start a VPS manually on the node the following error is shown:

    # xl create -f /home/xen/vm1339/vm1339.cfg
    Using config file "/home/xen/vm1339/vm1339.cfg".
    Error: Disk image does not exist: /home/solusvm/xen/iso/Windows_Server_2016_Datacenter_EVAL_en-us_14393_refresh.iso


The ISO file does not exist on the node 


Sync the ISO file to the corresponding Slave Node:

  1. Login to SolusVM admin panel
  2. Browse to SolusVM > Media > Media Sync
  3. Click on Create tab

  4. In ISOS section click on the corresponding ISO and node and click Create Sync Job

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