Password reset for KVM VPS via SolusVM fails: 502 Bad Gateway

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


Attempt to reset password for KVM VPS in SolusVM > Virtual Servers > VPS > Root/Admin Password fails:

SVM_ERROR: 502 gateway error

There are high load average values (~50) of the node utilization on Dashboard > Nodes > node_name page


PHP-FPM backend service is not responsive due to high load.


There are several possible causes for high load on KVM node:

  1. Number of virtual machines on the node too big and it exceeds the node's resource capacity. 
    Solution: Use migration feature and move part of virtual machines to another node that has more resources
  2. There are several virtual machines under heavy load and corresponding qemu-kvm processes consumes a lot of resources.
    Solution: Limit resource consumption for VPS based on this article
  3. AutoFTP backup is running on the node and it causes high load
    Solution: Change a time frame for scheduled backup task when the server usage is minimal
  4. PHP-FPM service on the slave and master node requires adjustment
    Solution: Check /var/log/svmstackfpm7/error.log log file for errors related to PHP-FPM backend. Consider additional tuning for service via /usr/local/svmstack/fpm7/services/web.conf configuration file.


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