How to list SolusVM VPS that were removed at a specific date?

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


How to list SolusVM VPS that were removed at a specific date?


It is not possible to filter logs by date in SolusVM interface.

However, it is possible to get this information from SolusVM database:

  1. Access SolusVM Master node over SSH.

  2. Execute commands below to:

    List VPS removal from Administrator log:

    # echo "select vserverid, action, adminid, FROM_UNIXTIME(date) from adminlog where FROM_UNIXTIME(date) like '%2021-11-21%' and action like '%Deleted%';" | awk -F: '{ system("MYSQL_PWD='"'"'" $3 "'"'"' mysql -u " $2 " "$1) }' /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf

    replace 2021-11-21 with the necessary date.

    List VPS removal from API log:

    # echo "select apifrom, apiaction, apimessage, FROM_UNIXTIME(apidate) from apilog where FROM_UNIXTIME(apidate) like '%2021-11-21%' and apiaction like '%terminate%'" | awk -F: '{ system("MYSQL_PWD='"'"'" $3 "'"'"' mysql -u " $2 " "$1) }' /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf

    replace 2021-11-21 with the necessary date.

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