How to set network speed limit for all VPSes in SolusVM

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


How to set network speed limit for all VPSes in SolusVM.


This functionality is yet to be implemented in SolusVM.
As a workaround, network speed limit can be set in SolusVM database directly:

  1. Connect to SolusVM Master node via SSH
  2. Create SolusVM database backup
  3. Access SolusVM database backup
  4. Run the query:

    MYSQL_LIN: UPDATE vservers SET networkspeed=LIMIT;

    where LIMIT is the network speed limit in MBit/sec. For example, in order to set network speed limit as 5MBit/sec use the query:

    MYSQL_LIN: UPDATE vservers SET networkspeed=5;

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