How to install SolusVM 2 Compute Resource (CR)?

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How to install SolusVM 2 Compute Resource (CR)?


The term "Compute Resource" in SolusVM 2 refers to hypervisors connected to the SolusVM 2 Management Server environment. These resources (CPU, RAM, and disk space) are utilized by customers to deploy their isolated servers (Virtual Machines or VPS).

Note: In SolusVM 2, the term "Compute Resource" has a broader definition than usual. It encompasses both actual compute resources (CPU and RAM) and storage resources (disk space).

Installation requirements

OS List of supported OSs

x86_64 for CentOS 7, Ubuntu 18, Virtuozzo 7.0.14 and later

x86_64 or ARM64 (aarch64) for AlmaLinux 8, CentOS 8, CentOS Stream, Debian 10, Debian 11, Ubuntu 20

RAM Minimum 8 GB
Free disk space Minimum 100 GB
Allowed connections to ports

TCP 22 (SSH)

TCP 8080 (Agent)

TCP 7778 (VNC)

Caution:  For resiliency reasons, we do not recommend using a Management Server as a Compute Resource, even though it is technically possible.

Note: You can add a Compute Resource even if its CPU core count exceeds your license limits. A Compute Resource is not counted until a virtual server is deployed on it.

To add a compute resource:

  1. Go to Compute Resources and click Add Compute Resource.

  2. Provide a name for your resource.

  3. Specify the hostname or IP address of the server you want to connect as a Compute Resource.

  4. Choose how to connect to the server:

    • If via SSH, enter root as the SSH login and the root password.
      If via SSH keys, select SSH Key and either paste an existing private SSH key or generate a new key pair.

    Note: SolusVM 2 uses the server’s credentials only once (during the initial connection as a Compute Resource) and does not store them.

  5. Click Save.

    SolusVM 2 will now check if the server you are trying to connect as a Compute Resource meets the requirements. If the server does not support virtualization, you will see the following error message:




    In this case, enable virtualization in the server BIOS settings. Refer to your processor manufacturer’s documentation for guidance.


  6. If the server passed the checks and was connected as a Compute Resource, you will see the screen that suggests selecting a network interface and configuring the network.
  7. Select the network interface and click Configure Network.

    Warning: Configuring the network poses the risk of permanently losing network access to the server. Proceed only if you have one of the following:

    • Physical access to the server
    • Access to the server’s serial console
    • 24/7/365 server support
  8. Click OK to start the network configuration.

    Once the network configuration is finished, you will see the connected server in the Compute Resources list.

    Note: By default, SolusVM 2 creates Compute Resources with a routed network type. If this type isn’t suitable for your network, change the compute resource’s network type to bridged.




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