Getting the error " Server disconnected (code:1006)" while accessing the VPS via NoVNC

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


Getting the following error while accessing the VPS via NoVNC in SolusVm UI.

SVM_ERROR: Server disconnected (code:1006)
WebSocket Error: Network Error 12045, The certificate authority is invalid or incorrect


SSL settings required for NoVNC to work are not configured


Here is the check list of settings below:

  1. Browse to Dashboard > Nodes > Edit node next to localhost settings page and verify that hostname of the node set to domain that was secured with Let's Encrypt.

  2. Browse to Dashboard > Configuration > General > Other and set the noVNC Socket Location as Master Node

  3. Connect to the SolusVM Master Node via SSH and rename the /usr/local/solusvm/data/config.ini.example file to /usr/local/solusvm/data/config.ini file on the SolusVM Master server and update the settings as below:

    ;; Set this to true if you want noVNC to access the websocket with the remote servers hostname. All the hostnames must resolve correctly. Default (false) is to use the ip address of the remote server
    use_remote_hostname = true

    ;; Set this to true if you want the socket on the host to forward packets across the public network
    socket_dest_public = false

  4. Configure SSL certificate for the domain name of the SolusVM Master server. It is possible to generate Let's Encrypt certificate as per the article

  5. Update the SSL file to the NoVNC SSL location using the below command.

    # cd /usr/local/svmstack/nginx/ssl/
    # cat ssl.key ssl.crt > /usr/local/solusvm/includes/nvnc/cert.pem \

  6. Restart web server:

    # service svmstack-nginx restart

  7. Stop web socket:

    # sh /scripts/websocket-stop

    Try to connect over noVNC in SolusVM > Virtual Servers > VPS > VNC - it will automatically restart the socket.

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