How to install VirtIO NIC and Disk driver in Windows KVM VPS?

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


How to install VirtIO NIC and Disk driver in Windows KVM VPS?


  1. Connect to the slave KVM node via SSH
  2. Enable virtio-win repository:

    # wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/virtio-win.repo

  3. Install the virtio-win package:

    # yum install virtio-win

  4. Attach the ISO image with VirtIO drivers to the Windows KVM VPS in question:

    # virsh attach-disk kvmID /usr/share/virtio-win/virtio-win.iso hdc --type cdrom --mode readonly

    kvmID should be replaced with actual ID of the VPS

  5. Create a dummy disk image in raw format:

    # cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/
    # qemu-img create -f raw dummy 100M

  6. Attach the created image to VPS:

    # virsh attach-disk kvmID /var/lib/libvirt/images/dummy hdb --cache none --targetbus virtio

  7. Install virtio dirver inside the VPS

    • Access the VPS via VNC
    • Open Command Prompt and execute the following command to open Device Manager:

      C:\> devmgmt.msc

    • Expand Other devices, right clicked on unidentified device and selected Update Driver Software to access the driver update wizard.
    • Click Browse my computer for driver software
    • Click Browse, select CD-ROM drive and click Next
    • Repeat steps 8-10 for all the unidentified devices
    • Reboot the server

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