Applicable to:
- SolusVM
SolusVM KVM VPS created from custom template started with error seen via VNC console:
CONFIG_TEXT: No bootable device
Custom template has the following initial sized of main partition and SWAP:
# virt-filesystems -a /home/solusvm/kvm/template/linux-centos-7-x86_64-custom-gen2-v1.gz --all --long --uuid -h
Name Type VFS Label MBR Size Parent UUID
/dev/sda1 filesystem ext4 - - 19G - 5792c139-680c-413b-a83b-d6fe2c494886
/dev/sda2 filesystem swap - - 1.5G - dacc56a2-b384-4695-93ed-ba4a1a9f3037
/dev/sda1 partition - - 83 19G /dev/sda -
/dev/sda2 partition - - 82 1.5G /dev/sda -
/dev/sda device - - - 20G -
VPS was created with lesser HDD Space and SWAP size than the initial sizes in the template.
Log into SolusVM Master interface.
Open Virtual Server and remove created VPS.
Remove VPS -
Create a new VPS via SolusVM > Virtual Servers > Add Virtual Servers > KVM with HDD Space bigger than the size of the sum of the main partition and SWAP and SWAP bigger than the default value of the template - from the example above - HDD Space should be 22 GB and SWAP - 2000 MB.
Correct values
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