Applicable to:
- SolusVM
How to change the node for a VPS in SolusVM Master without migrating data?
There are 2 possible options to assign VPS to different node
Option 1
- Log into SolusVM
- Browse to Dashboard > Virtual Servers > vps_name page
- Use the Migrate option from SolusVM - disable the Migrate Data option to change the node for the VPS
Option 2
Update the VPS information via the database:
- Access the Master Node via SSH
- Run the following on the SolusVM Master:
# /scripts/vm-migrate <VSERVERID> <NEWNODEID>
Note: <VSERVERID> is the ID listed in your VM list in SolusVM
For example:
<NEWNODEID> is the ID of the node listed in your Node List in SolusVM.# /scripts/vm-migrate 150 4
- Boot up the VPS on the new node by clicking the reboot button within SolusVM.
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