How to upgrade SolusVM from mcrypt to OpenSSL?


I see the following notification in SolusVM interface:

Note: Mcrypt Cryptography Extensions are detected in the system. Please upgrade your system here to use OpenSSL. Details of the procedure are available in the following link: Switch from mcrypt to openssl in SolusVM.

How the upgrade should be done?


Warning: Before the upgrade - create SolusVM database backup through the command line.

The upgrade is performed through interface in SolusVM > Tools > Update > Upgrade to OpenSSL.

Upgrade to OpenSSL


After the upgrade - check that there are no errors on SolusVM > Nodes > any node page.

It is possible to perform the upgrade manually through the command line:

Manual Upgrade
  1. Connect to Master node over SSH.

  2. Start the upgrade:

    # php /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/mcrypt-to-openssl.php --replace=true

  3. Check that there are no errors on SolusVM > Nodes > any node page.

In case after the upgrade, there are errors on SolusVM > Nodes > any node page - restore the backup of SolusVM database:

Database restoration
  1. Connect to Master node over SSH.

  2. Restore the backup:

    # MYSQL_PWD=$(cat /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf | awk -F ":" '{print $3}') mysql -u$(cat /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf | awk -F ":" '{print $2}') $(cat /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf | awk -F ":" '{print $1}') < /root/solusvm<date>.sql

    where <date> - actual date when backup was created.

  3. Contact Solus Technical Support.

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