KVM VPS is not created when creating with Generation 1 template and thin-provisioning: Logical Volume => not found /vmdata/kvm101.img

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


KVM VPS is not created when creating with Generation 1 template and thin-provisioning.


The following error is in build log at SolusVM > Virtual Servers > VPS > Build Log:

CONFIG_TEXT: Logical Volume => not found /vmdata/kvm101.img

This issue is regestered as a product defect with ID SVM-2879.


As a workaround,

  1. Login to SolusVM admin panel.
  2. Create a VPS without template.
  3. Connect to KVM Slave node via SSH
  4. Sync the template to the VPS manually using the command:

    # dd if=<path-to-template> | gzip -d | dd of=/vmdata/kvmID.img bs=4096

  5. Re-configure the VPS at SolusVM > Virtual Servers > VPS > Re-Configure

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