Applicable to:
- SolusVM
- Unable to create a KVM VPS in SolusVM. The following error is displayed after clicking the button Create Virtual Server at SolusVM > Virtual Servers > Add Virtual Server:
CONFIG_TEXT: There seems to have been a slight problem with our database, please try again later.
When checking the browser Dev Tool(F12) > Network tab > Response tab there is the following error:
CONFIG_TEXT: Unknown column 'tablet_input' in 'field list'
This means the column 'tablet_input' is absent in SolusVM database table 'kvmdata'.
- Connect to Master node via SSH
- Create SolusVM database backup
- Access the database with the following query:
# awk -F: '{ system("MYSQL_PWD='"'"'" $3 "'"'"' mysql -u " $2 " "$1)}' /usr/local/solusvm/includes/solusvm.conf
- Add the missing column with the query:
MYSQL_LIN: alter table kvmdata add column `tablet_input` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
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