How to upgrade SolusVM to a new version with PHP 8.1 support?

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


I see the following notification in the SolusVM interface:

SVM_ERROR: Current version of SolusVM is running an outdated version of PHP. It is recommended to upgrade to a new SolusVM version packaged with PHP 8.1 support. More info can be found here.

How the upgrade procedure should be initiated?



Before the upgrade, three conditions have to be followed:
1. Operating system installed on a Node has to be the supported one. See the list of supported OS in the documentation:

2. The architecture of the node has to be 64-bit:

# arch

3. The current software stack has to include PHP 7.4 and svmstack-nginx web server:

# php -v
PHP 7.4.32 (cli) (built: Oct 3 2022 03:28:40) ( NTS )

# systemctl status svmstack-nginx.service
● svmstack-nginx.service - nginx - high performance web server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/svmstack-nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-12-01 10:33:26 UTC; 1s ago

In case the outputs are different from the above follow the instructions from the article How to upgrade SolusVM to a new version with PHP 7.3 support

4. The system is using OpenSSL. Check it in SolusVM > Tools > Update > Crypt Update - there must be Revert To Mcrypt option, which means that currently OpenSSL is being used. Otherwise, upgrade SolusVM from Mcrypt to OpenSSL following the instructions from the article How to upgrade SolusVM from mcrypt to OpenSSL.


Master Node upgrade:

  1. Connect to the Master node via SSH.

  2. Update the whole SolusVM infrastructure to the latest mainline version 1.27.28:

    # upcp 2

  3. Initiate upgrade of Master node to PHP 8.1:

    # /bin/bash /usr/local/solusvm/tmp/update/

  4. Check the PHP version - it has to be 8.1:

    # php -v
    PHP 8.1.9 (cli) (built: Feb 8 2023 15:45:08) (NTS)

Warning: in case the SolusVM Master interface becomes unavailable check /tmp/update.log for any error messages or contact SolusVM Technical Support.

Slave Node upgrade:

  • Scripted upgrade of all slave nodes:

    1. Connect to the Master node via SSH.

    2. Initiate PHP 8.1 upgrade of all slave nodes with a single command:

      # upcp 4

      Warning: Even though the command will report that the slave upgrade is completed - the actual upgrade will be completed in approximately 10 minutes or more.

    3. Connect to a Slave Node via SSH.

    4. Check the PHP version - it has to be 8.1:

      # php -v
      PHP 8.1.9 (cli) (built: Feb 8 2023 15:45:08) (NTS)

    5. If the scripted upgrade of all nodes at once is not suitable, use the Manual upgrade of each Slave Node separately:

    1. Connect to the Slave Node via SSH.

    2. Initiate PHP 8.1 upgrade of this particular node:

      # /bin/bash /usr/local/solusvm/tmp/update/

    3. Check PHP version on a slave node - it has to be 8.1:

      # php -v
      PHP 8.1.9 (cli) (built: Feb 8 2023 15:45:08) (NTS)

    4. Repeat for all Nodes in the SolusVM cluster.

Warning: in case the update is not completed successfully check /tmp/update.log for any error messages or contact SolusVM Technical Support.


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