Applicable to:
- SolusIO
Unable to add CentOS 8 server as CR to SolusIO:
SVM_ERROR: Command returns code 1 and output: step: "Installing software
dependencies", error: "failed to enable repo \"extras\": failed to
execute \"dnf --assumeyes config-manager --enablerepo extras\" [usage:
dnf config-manager [-c [config file]] [-q] [-v] [--version]
[--installroot [path]] [--nodocs] [--noplugins] [--enableplugin
[plugin]] [--disableplugin [plugin]] [--releasever RELEASEVER] [--setopt
SETOPTS] [--skip-broken] [-h] [--allowerasing] [-b | --nobest] [-C] [-R
[minutes]] [-d [debug level]] [--debugsolver] [--showduplicates] [-e
ERRORLEVEL] [--obsoletes] [--rpmverbosity [debug level name]] [-y]
[--assumeno] [--enablerepo [repo]] [--disablerepo [repo] | --repo
[repo]] [--enable | --disable] [-x [package]] [--disableexcludes [repo]]
[--repofrompath [repo,path]] [--noautoremove] [--nogpgcheck] [--color
COLOR] [--refresh] [-4] [-6] [--destdir DESTDIR] [--downloadonly]
[--comment COMMENT] [--bugfix] [--enhancement] [--newpackage]
[--security] [--advisory ADVISORY] [--bz BUGZILLA] [--cve CVES]
[--sec-severity {Critical,Important,Moderate,Low}] [--forcearch ARCH]
[--save] [--add-repo URL] [--dump] [--dump-variables] [--set-enabled |
--set-disabled] [repo [repo ...]] Command line error: one of the
following arguments is required: --save --add-repo --dump
--dump-variables --set-enabled --enable --set-disabled --disable]: exit
status 1"
SolusIO bug #SIO-2680 which was fixed in SolusIO version 1.1.15466
Update SolusIO to the latest mainline version
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