How to migrate a VPS from one SolusVM node to another?

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


How to migrate a VPS from one SolusVM node to another?


  1. Log into SolusVM Admin interface.
  2. Navigate to Virtual Servers > List Virtual Servers > VPS and click 'Migrate':
    Indexable text here
  3. Select the necessary configuration:

    Destination node - the node where VPS should be migrated

    Migrate Data - If "Yes" is selected - VPS will be migrated to another node. and location of the VPS will be changed to the new node in SolusVM interface.
    If "No" is selected - VPS will not be migrated - its location will change to the new node in SolusVM interface only.

    Compression - enabled compression for transferring VPS data.

    Transfer Speed - limits network speed used for migration.

    Transfer over Internal Network - enables transfer between nodes using an internal network. Both nodes have to have an internal IP address configured in node settings.

    Automate on Success - if set to Yes - VPS on the source node is automatically deleted.

  4. Click on Start

  5. Wait until the migration is finished.

  6. Select what should be done at the end of migration.

Additional Information

Migration inside SolusVM cluster

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