Applicable to:
- SolusVM
- Unable to create an OpenVZ VPS in SolusVM - VPS stays offline.
- In /var/log/vzctl.log the following error is shown:
CONFIG_TEXT: vzctl : CT 101 : Unable to get appcache tarball name for ve-vswap-solus.conf-sample with ostemplate centos-6-x86_64-minimal
- IN /var/log/vztt.log the following error is shown:
CONFIG_TEXT: Error: package_manager file for centos-6-x86_64 EZ os template should be filled
The package vzpkg and centos-6-x86_64-ez are missing.
- Connect to the slave server over SSH.
- Install the template and vzpkg packages:
# yum install vzpkg* centos-6-x86_64-ez -y
- Update package_manager file:
# echo "rpm47x64" > /vz/template/centos/6/x86_64/config/os/default/package_manager
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