Applicable to:
- SolusVM
What does option Turn Quick Backup for OpenVZ VPS do in SolusVM?
Enabling this option allows the client - the owner of VPS - to use Quick Back in his user area.
Quick Backup
Quick Backup creates an archive of content of the container:
The backup is placed on the disk of VPS in /panelbackup/
VMID of VPS can be found in SolusVM > Virtual Servers page in VMID column.
Example of VMID
How to use Quick Backup:
Access the container.
Create a directory to unpack the backup:
# mkdir /backup
Unpack the backup
# tar -xzf /panelbackup/backup_UUID.tar.gz -C /backup
UUID is different for each container - just use tabulation after "backup" to find the file.
List content of the unpacked archive:
# ls -l /backup/vz/root/UUID/
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