OpenVZ VPS does not start after migration in SolusVM: Failed to create ploop on root@

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


  • OpenVZ VPS does not start after migration in SolusVM
  • The following error is displayed in the migration log /usr/local/solusvm/log/xxx_migration.log(the exact file name is displayed on the migration page in SolusVM) on destination node:

    CONFIG_TEXT: 1043666: Failed to create ploop on root@


DISKSPACE directive is missing in the configuration file of the VPS on the source node.


  1. Connect to Source node via SSH
  2. Open the file /etc/vz/conf/CTID.conf in any text editor and add the directive:

    CONFIG_TEXT: DISKSPACE="<size:size>"

    where CTID is actual CT ID of the VPS and <size:size> is the diskspace allocated to VPS in format <softlimit:hardlimit> in kilobytes.

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