A new OpenVZ VPS does not start: Can't open /sys/fs/cgroup/ve/101/ve.ip_allow for writing: No such file or directory

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


  • A new OpenVZ 7 VPS does not start:

    CONFIG_TEXT: Can't open /sys/fs/cgroup/ve/101/ve.ip_allow for writing: No such file or directory
    Unable to add ip No such file or directory
    Cancel init execution

  • When trying to list VPSes with prlctl utility the following error is generated:

    CONFIG_TEXT: Login failed: Unable to connect to Virtuozzo. You may experience a connection problem or the server may be down. Contact your Virtuozzo administrator for assistance.


prl-disp-* packages are missing on the node.


  1. Connect to OpenVZ node via SSH
  2. Install missing packages:

    # yum install prl-disp-*

  3. Enable and start prl-disp service:

    # systemctl enable prl-disp.service
    # systemctl start prl-disp.service

  4. Restart vz service:

    # systemctl restart vz

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