Not possible to create KVM VPS after SolusVM master node migration: There seems to have been a slight problem with our database, please try again

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


  • Not possible to create KVM VPS after SolusVM master node migration

    SVM_ERROR: There seems to have been a slight problem with our database, please try again

  • There is an error in the browser's DevConsole (f12) > Network > createkvm.php > Response:

    SVM_ERROR: Failed adding new vm
    SQL:INSERT INTO kvmdata (vserverid, uuid, vif0, vif1, lvm, xid, mac, vcpu, vncport, hvmiso, cdrom, buildq, buildt, tablet_input)
    VALUES ('5278', '02523d24-97ff-4a94-bd95-528274c99fd0', 'vif3039.0', 'vif3039.1', 'vg', '3039', '00:16:3c:f9:f2:ce', '1', '4', '', '0', '1', '11', '0');

    Error: Unknown column 'tablet_input' in 'field list'
    Error #: Unknown column 'tablet_input' in 'field list'


SolusVM master database missing column "tablet_input" because the database was migrated from SolusVM version less than 1.25.01.


Update SolusVM - it will add missing database fields.

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