In SolusVM version 1.25.16 or higher status of OpenVZ EZ container migration is not changed until the migration is completed

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


In SolusVM version 1.25.16 or higher status of OpenVZ EZ container migration is not changed until the migration is completed.


This was confirmed as a product defect with ID SVM-3201 which is planned to be fixed in future product updates.


As a workaround, it is possible to track the progress of migration by checking the amount of transferred data:

  1. Log in to SolusVM administrator interface.

  2. Find VMID of the necessary VPS in SolusVM > Virtual Servers page.

    How to find VMID


  3. Access the source OpenVZ node via SSH.

  4. Find UUID of the VPS using VMID from step 1 - for example:

    # prlctl list --all | grep 103
    {125da5e7-ef9a-47de-8ae6-222cf1825ac2} stopped CT 103

    Here UUID is 125da5e7-ef9a-47de-8ae6-222cf1825ac2.

  5. Access the targer OpenVZ node via SSH.

  6. On the target node find migration processes and new UUID of the VPS using UUID from step 4:

    # ps aux | grep 125da5e7-ef9a-47de-8ae6-222cf1825ac2 | grep -v grep
    root 319387 0.1 0.0 114304 7880 ? S 10:55 0:00 /usr/sbin/vzmdest -ps 65 67 69 71 --nonsharedfs localhost 125da5e7-ef9a-47de-8ae6-222cf1825ac2 --new-id={5c041711-1714-49c9-b110-48841c0d480d}

    In this example the new UUID is 5c041711-1714-49c9-b110-48841c0d480d.

  7. Check the size of container's directory using the new UUID from step 6:

    # du -sh /vz/private/5c041711-1714-49c9-b110-48841c0d480d
    43G /vz/private/5c041711-1714-49c9-b110-48841c0d480d
    # du -sh /vz/private/5c041711-1714-49c9-b110-48841c0d480d
    60G /vz/private/5c041711-1714-49c9-b110-48841c0d480d

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