Migration from OpenVZ 6 to OpenVZ 7 via SolusVM web interface corrupts services inside VPS

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Applicable to:

  • SolusVM


Migration from OpenVZ 6 to OpenVZ 7 via SolusVM web interface at SolusVM > Virtual Servers > VPS > Migrate corrupts services inside VPS(i.e. MySQL).


SolusVM bug with ID #SVM-3295 which was fixed in SolusVM version 1.25.26.


Update SolusVM to the latest mainline version

If the update is not the option at the moment use the below workaround:

Click to expand
  1. Connect to Destination node via SSH
  2. Download the script and unarchive it:

    # wget https://solus.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/13266861578903/ovztransfer.tar
    # tar -xvf ovztransfer.tar

  3. Backup and replace the original script with the unarchived one:

    # mv /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/ovztransfer.sh{,.orig}
    # mv ovztransfer.sh /usr/local/solusvm/scripts/

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