VPS graphs do not work in SolusIO: Server Error

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Applicable to:

  • SolusIO


  • VPS graphs do not work in SolusIO. The following error is displayed at SolusIO > Virtual Servers > VPS > Graph:

    SVM_ERROR: Server Error

  • The following error is displayed in the API container log on SolusIO Management node:

    # docker container logs `docker ps| grep solus_api| awk {'print $1'}`
    production.ERROR: [401] Client error: `POST http://influxdb:8086/api/v2/query?org=solus` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response:
    {"code":"unauthorized","message":"unauthorized access"}
    {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (InfluxDB2\\ApiException(code: 401): [401] Client error: `POST http://influxdb:8086/api/v2/query?org=solus` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response:
    {\"code\":\"unauthorized\",\"message\":\"unauthorized access\"}


solus_influxdb container data corrupted.


  1. Connect to SolusIO Management node via SSH
  2. Stop solus_influxdb container:

    # docker service scale solus_influxdb=0

  3. Backup current container data:

    # mkdir influxdb && mv /usr/local/solus/influxdb/* ./influxdb/

  4. Start the container:

    # docker service scale solus_influxdb=1

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